Colleen Sweeney

Colleen Sweeney RN BSN

Colleen Sweeney RN BSN has been involved in energetic medicine for over 20 years. She trained with world renown Dolores Cannon with Quantum hypnotherapy and is a certified level two Reiki Practitioner. She trained as a Bowen Practitioner and had a successful practice as a NAET Practitioner. As a Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner, she feels this is a beneficial addition to existing natural modalities.

Please contact me with any questions

Voice or Text: +1 (928) 710-8579
Email: [email protected]

Schedule a One-on-One Today

What is limiting your wellness?

Most of us strive to be healthy and balanced. People around the world want to live healthier lives, however many seem to fall short no matter the information or program. What are we not living the healthier “us”? Why are we sabotaging our efforts and outcomes? Is there something else missing that we have not tried?

Do any of these treatments apply to you?

  • Anti-Aging, Healing & Beauty

  • Sleep Deeply

  • Weight Release

  • Healing Hidden Infections

  • Brain and Cognitive Enhancement

  • Endocrine Regeneration

  • Blood Pressure

  • Heart Health

  • Digestive Disturbance

  • Emotion Code

  • Diabetes

  • Fat Melt-away

  • Addiction

  • Cancer Prevention

Six months ago, I was experiencing heart palpitations weekly. As time went on, they became more frequent to the point I had them daily and then sometimes twice daily. I noticed that whenever I was stressed, it really triggered this response. I also had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is also a stress disorder. I notice after a few treatments with frequency medicine, not only did my heart palpitations go away, my digestive issues resolved, which also included reflux. I have never taken medication and do not want to start. This is the most natural and effective way to heal ourselves. I recommend it for everyone.

Michelle 64 Oakland, CA


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